Catholic Bishop More Principled than Baptist Pastors! It is past time to revive that discarded, disabused practice of church discipline and use it against erring laymen and pastors. If not, how can we call ourselves “Bible believing,” Bible practicing Baptists?
Why Would a Baptist Church Hire an Accused Child Molester as a Counselor? Part 2 I have observed a “cover-up” mentality in many large Baptist churches that seems to be systemic. They emphasize the inerrancy of the Bible but are very weak on implementing Biblical procedures of church discipline. Why boast about preaching the very Word of God if it is not practiced in personal lives and in church procedures?
Fundamentalists Must Face Child Abuse by Pastors! I wept as I saw the photographs of Dr. Bob Gray led away in handcuffs. Dr. Gray, thought of as one of America’s greatest preachers and church builders, was arrested for molestation of little girls under his jurisdiction.