Evolution: None Dare Call it Quackery!Evolution is pure quackery and purveyors of this foolishness should be branded as quacks. They are phony intellectuals (and a Ph.D. doesn’t add credibility to a phony) and venders of ancient mythologies resurrected from ancient Greece.
Why Are Evolutionists so Mean-Spirited? Part 3Evolutionists are mean because they, like everyone are born in sin and need a Savior. They put their positions before principle, and attack anyone who challenges their philosophy/religion of evolution. But then we know that they attack us rather than answer us because they don’t have the answers. No wonder they are mean-spirited.
Intelligent Design: A Cop Out!Some evolutionists like to parody Genesis by saying, “In the beginning there was hydrogen” suggesting that everything came from hydrogen, but where did the hydrogen come from? Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that, given billions and billions of years produces planets, plants, and people. I choose to believe, “In the beginning, God….”
Pork is Not A Health Food!I haven’t eaten pork of any kind in 35 years, not for religious reasons but for health reasons. According to Dr. Manley—an animal disease expert with the U.S. Government, one in three persons in the U. S. are infected with trichinosis that is found in pork. One thing is sure: pork is not health food!
Why Are Evolutionists so Mean-Spirited? Part 1Maybe that is one reason many evolutionists get mean-spirited when they discuss creationism. They don’t have the answers so they attack.
What About Dinosaurs? Part 1Dinosaurs are not a ploy of evolutionists to confuse creationists. They are a fact of science and a creation of God. We need to face evolutionists with some shocking facts about dinosaurs and demand some answers. We will provide some of those questions and some answers in following articles.
Are You Using Sweet Poison? Part 1The good pastor (and he is doing a good job to my knowledge) was able to point out that I had attributed an article to the wrong lady, but he did not support his criticism of my position. He said that the article was “disorganized, hysterical, and poorly substantiated.” Funny, I was about to use those same words to describe his information.